About Robin

Robin Weeks



Hi and Welcome!

If you have landed here, I guess you want to know a little more about me and how I came to this work.

Terminal illness has a way of giving us pause. Of making us reconsider our priorities.

In a span of one week, I lost both my father and my brother.

Then, I unexpectedly became the full-time caregiver for my mother.

Needless to say, I was exhausted.


I realized that in order to manage my mother’s needs, I needed to be well.

I needed to set boundaries.

I needed to partner with her care team.

I needed to delegate. I needed to have difficult conversations.

And importantly, I needed to become proactive instead of reactive.

I became a Communications Specialist when navigating the healthcare system.

I became a Patient Advocate as I considered tough situations and made decisions.

And I became a Program Coordinator as I facilitated a myriad of departments, services, and people.

As I was thrust into all of these roles, the one role that seemed to disappear was that of being the daughter. 

Moments together were fraught with the sense of I need to…

Conversations were punctuated by worry, anticipation, and fear.

With my mother’s very life in my hands, it was like I had metamorphosed.

I hardly recognized myself anymore.

And I was scared.

Somewhere along the path between having a “normal” family and feeling orphaned by both my parent’s deaths, I came to realize this:


From this insight, My Pivotal Point was born.

Now, I come to you with a huge heart and open arms.

I want you to have the support and knowledge to traverse this caregiving journey with confidence.

I want you to know that there are gifts in this once-in-a-lifetime role.

And I want you to continue in your most important role:

That of a loving family member.

The PATH program will provide you with everything needed to make this happen.

There will be emergencies.

There will be times you need to drop everything.

However, you will be better prepared and less likely to hit the wall with this community behind you.

I look forward to learning about you and your loved one…

Peace and Love,

Robin Weeks

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