Fitting All The Caregiving Pieces Together Will Help You Find PEACE

Caregiving is Hard! It’s probably not something you expected to be doing. Caring for your aging parents presents many challenges. It’s a journey that can take different paths depending on how your parents age, their health, cognition, and the resources available to you and your family.









With the transformative coaching in the PATH program, you'll know how to align your mind, body, heart, and spirit so you can embrace the challenges that naturally arise as a family caregiver.

The PATH Program

The PATH Membership Program was created to support family caregivers everywhere. You will find others going through similar struggles. You will find a community that understands the difficult questions and stories that make others uncomfortable. Here you can get help, support, and access to coaching and expert knowledge. 

You are busy. Your time is valuable. Here you can find bite sized pieces of learning that you can go to on your schedule. These may be the last years of your parents’ lives. Do you want to find yourself overwhelmed, tired, resentful? OR do you want to make memories, find moments of love and peace with them.

Caregiving means caring for you; emotionally, physically, and socially. Your wellbeing is at the core of all we offer in the PATH Program. Taking care of these things with the support of the PATH Program for Caregivers will allow you to no longer be alone and to find confidence in this unexpected role to embrace the challenges ahead.

I took the long way to figuring out how to balance caregiving with everything else...

And now I've taken everything I learned, thrown out everything that didn't work, and put the rest into a single, comprehensive program.

The result is the My Pivotal Point Membership Program.

An intensive network of loving support, valuable resources, to-the-point guides, practical tools, and professional experts designed to help you achieve harmony and balance quickly.

Here's how it al breaks down...

Program Explanations

Care Buddy Extra Support:

Caregiving can be a lonely journey. Having someone walk the path alongside you who understands can make the burden feel a little lighter. Based on a profile you submit, we will match you to someone with similar caregiving responsibilities and interests so that you have your own Support Buddy.

Coping with Grief Program:
This virtual grief support group is offered twice a year in the spring and the fall for 6 weeks. We will hold live, one-hour conversations on Zoom each week.

Coping with Grief is designed to help individuals who have experienced the death of someone significant to them. Participants will:

  • Receive support from others who have experienced a similar loss
  • Learn about the grief journey
  • Explore ways to remember and memorialize your loved one
  • Handle conflicting emotions that may range from anger, sadness, guilt, relief, and hopelessness
  • Map resources, people, and processes for your journey
  • Discover healthy ways to express grief

One-on-One Grief Support: 

As a Certified Grief Facilitator, I will walk you through the difficult and emotional process of grief. Whether you have lost a loved one recently or decades ago, or are anticipating the death of someone you care for, I offer 45-minute individual sessions for anyone who would like help processing and moving through grief.

Virtual Retreat: 

Every year, we offer a 2-day virtual retreat focused on four domains of caregiver wellness: physical, financial, emotional, and spiritual. The retreat will feature guest speakers, workshops and Q&A with experts.



$ 25 Monthly
  • Unlimited access to our Caregiving Essentials Courses (ONLY)
  • New content added monthly
  • Access to Member Chat
  • Cancel anytime


$ 49 Monthly
  • Companion Booklet
  • Caregiver Essentials Courses
  • Guest Experts
  • Relaxation Series
  • Access to member chat
  • Monthly caregiver group coaching call
  • Surprise care package delivered to your mailbox once a year
  • 10% discount to live virtual workshops
  • 10% discount to annual retreat
  • 10% discount for grief sessions
  • Cancel anytime


$ 150 Monthly
  • Companion Booklet
  • Caregiver Essentials Courses
  • Guest Experts
  • Relaxation Series
  • Access to member chat
  • Monthly caregiver group coaching call
  • Surprise care package delivered to your mailbox once a year
  • Live Virtual Workshops
  • Private monthly coaching call
  • Access to Grief sessions
  • Personal access to private number
  • Free admission to annual retreat
  • Cancel anytime

Your own Companion Booklet full of resources, stories from caregivers and more.

Live Virtual Workshops To Be Announced Throughout the Year

Caregiver Essentials Courses: All courses are audio recordings with slides and many have downloads of checklists, worksheets and more. They are in bite sized pieces that you can listen to or watch without a huge amount of time. Each of the three modules are geared towards stages of caregiving, however there is useful information in all modules for any caregiver at any phase.

Preparing: These courses are for those who see signs that their aging parents or other adult loved one may need care. They may have experienced a health crisis, declining cognitive abilities or a need for better living conditions. They prepare you, the future caregiver, for what may come. If you fell into caregiving, as so many of us do, and are along the path already, you will find useful information in these courses.

Planning: These courses are for those who are in the middle of caregiving. You may be finding a need for resources, answers to your many questions, and help with decisions. This is the time when stress levels increase and there is help in the courses.

Mindfulness: This is the time towards the end or post caregiving. It is a time of transition, grief and loss. These courses will help guide you through the emotions, and the processing of this amazing experience.

Relaxation Series: Audio/visual recordings of 5-15 minute meditations to help you find a microburst of calm.

Guest Experts: Elder Law Attorneys, Nurses, Dementia experts, Meditation teachers and more. These interviews offer the expertise of these professionals. Audio/Visual recordings

Tea & Coffee: Member Forum for chat. Open to all member levels. A place where you can meet other caregivers online in our community. Ask questions, share and make new friends.

Group Coaching Calls: Once a month you can join a live call with me and fellow caregivers, ask questions, share stories and get the support of our community. Available at Life and Legacy levels.

Private Coaching Calls: One call per month at the Legacy level. Book a time on my calendar and get 45 minutes to focus on you. 

$150 with a  10% discount at Love Level.

Urgent Call: Access to my private What’s App number when you need it. Available at the Legacy Level.

Grief: These are private sessions to support you as you process your loss. Grief has no timeline. Legacy members can book up to 2 sessions per month.

$150 with a  10% discount at Love Level

Annual Virtual Retreat: This is for you! An annual retreat with speakers, mini workshops and more. 

Video Workshops

Building a Future of Care for Your Aging Parents   $25 (with Workbook $40)

Time Mastery for Caregivers  $25

Create a Vision for Your Caregiving Role $25 (With Workbook $40)

Cracking the Code of Calm: Essential Tools for Stressed Out Caregivers $25

Digital Downloads

Companion Booklet for Caregivers $12

Care Plan Workbook for Aging Parents $25

Relaxation Audios $25


As a member, you’ll have your own login portal. From there, you’ll be able to access the video
modules, workbooks, training materials, private forum, call recordings, and more. Caregiving is hard
and there are many unexpected events. We designed this program for your world, which is why you
can access material from anywhere at any time.

No, the word “therapy” implies a need for healing. Coaching is not about healing, but about building
on the health that is already present. While therapy spends a great deal of time delving into the past,
coaching is heavily oriented toward the future. Starting with the “here and now,” it looks at where
you want to go and helps you pull together the resources to get there.

I will do everything possible to exceed your expectations, including provide you with personalized
coaching, resources, and support. I’ll also invite you to provide feedback and suggestions to make the
experience as beneficial as possible. However, I understand that it won’t be a fit for everyone. In that
case, you can cancel at any time, no questions asked.

The short answer is anyone who currently provides care for an aging loved one — or who anticipates
doing so in the next 5 to 10 years. More specifically, coaching is about change, so people who are
most successful in the PATH program are those that are ready to actively take steps to achieve the
outcomes they desire. This membership isn’t a sit-and-listen program; it’s full of practical, hands-on
tools and techniques.

I have designed this to support caregivers through the entire continuum of the caregiving experience.
Whether you’re just starting to recognize that your role might include elements of caregiving in the
near future, or you’ve been the primary caregiver for a number of years and have recently
experienced a loved one’s death, there are resources, coaching, and supports specifically for you.

Absolutely! I understand that we can only do so much at once, especially when we’re trying to juggle
caregiving with all the other roles we play. That’s why we record every group call and workshop —
that way you can access the recordings later, on your own time and schedule.

One of my favorite things to do is draw upon the collective wisdom of others. As such, I bring
together the skills and knowledge of professionals in a variety of industries, including legal, financial,
healthcare, housing, and more. These men and women come from all over the world to bring you
cutting edge insight that matters most to caregivers and emerging caregivers today.

Yes! At My Pivotal Point, we take a proactive approach to aging care. We believe it’s best to plan and
prepare AHEAD OF TIME to avoid being thrust into the role like a deer in the headlights. That way no
one is left scrambling for information, support, answers, and help in the middle of a crisis. It also
allows your loved one to be an active participant in the whole process, which lessens stress and feels
far more empowering.