Your Caregiving Vision Exercise




Visioning is an exercise of the mind that can help you to see the
future and plan for goals and possible outcomes. It is a positive
approach to managing projects, challenges and people. It is not
dreamy stuff, but a scientifically proven method to create more
positive outcomes.
It is most often the case that you are tossed into caregiving because
of a crisis. That means you are unprepared, reacting to situations
without planning or forethought, and making quick decisions
without support. It doesn’t have to be that way.
We create visions and plans for many things in our life and work.
While you will not be able to plan for everything that caregiving
brings or avoid a crisis, if you become more proactive by making
plans and envisioning how this may look, it will be less stressful.

This guide will help you create a vision and plan for how this caregiving journey will unfold. It will provide you with a way to think ahead about how you will handle situations and relationships.

15 pages, worksheet, guided questions

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